BOOK OF DREAMS (City Lights, 1961) (Written 1951-1960) | ||
Character name: | Real name: | |
Eddy Albert | Edward Gilbert | |
Aunt Anna | Emma Vaillancourt | |
Annie of Easonburg | Lil Harris | |
Billy Artaud | Bob Rondeau | |
W.H. Auden | W.H. Auden | |
Baileys | Buckleys | |
Old Bull Baloon | W.C. Fields | |
Roger Barnet | David Burnett | |
Bea | Bea Franco | |
Dick Beck | Bill Keck | |
Big Slim | William "Big Slim" Holmes Hubbard | |
Al Bingham | Ed Stringham | |
Iddyboy Bissonnette | Robert Morissette | |
Jimmy Bissonnette | Charles Morissette | |
Blanche | Beatrice Kerouac | |
Blatberg | ? | |
Deni Bleu | Henri Cru | |
Bob Boisvert | Robert Giroux | |
Scotty Boldieu | Henry Beaulieu | |
Bostrell | ? | |
John Bottle | ? | |
Roland Bouthelier | Armand Gauthier | |
Wayne Brace | ? | |
Ed Buckle | Al Hinkle | |
Ann Buee | Ann Brabham | |
Vera Buferd | Beverly Burford | |
Jim Calabrese | Tom Livornese | |
Marguerite Calabrese | Maria Livornese | |
Maggie Cassidy | Mary Carney | |
Marty Churchill | "Morty" Maxwell | |
Timmy Clancy | Jimmy O'Dea | |
Aunt Clementine | Leontine Kerouac | |
Pauline Cole | Margaret Coffey | |
Jeanne Desmarais | Jean Bergeron | |
Donnie | ? | |
Allen Eager | Allen Eager | |
Edna | Edie Parker Kerouac | |
Kyle Elgins | Kells Elvins | |
Jack Elliot | "Rambling" Jack Elliott | |
Al Eno | Al Malo | |
June Evans | Joan Vollmer Adams | |
Cannastra Finistra | William Cannastra | |
Marie Fitzpatrick | Jeanne Fitzgerald | |
Pat Fitzpatrick | John Fitzgerald | |
Bertha Fortier | Rita Fournier | |
Joe Fortier | Michael Fournier, Jr | |
Philip/Phillip Fortier | Robert "Snorro" Fournier | |
Slim Gaillard | Slim Gaillard | |
Gaines | William Garver | |
Irwin Garden | Allen Ginsberg | |
Joe Gavota | Joe Sorota | |
Georgie the Polock | Stanley Heiducki | |
Gerard | Gerard Kerouac | |
Jerry Getty | George Eddy | |
Lola Getty | Mona Kent Eddy | |
G.J. (Gus) | George J. Apostolos | |
Gold | ? | |
Marcus Goodrich | ? | |
Guy Green | Ed White | |
Duke Gringas | Odysseus (Duke) Chiungos | |
Menelaeus Gringas | Menelaus Chiungos | |
Archie Hainesy | Archie Hayes | |
Dicky Hampshire | Billy Chandler | |
Halvar "Hal" Hayes | Hal Chase | |
Hindenburg | Bob Brandinburg | |
Bull Hubbard | William S. Burroughs | |
Huck | Herbert Huncke | |
Irene [May] * | Alene Lee | |
Don Jackson | ? | |
Aunt Jeanne | Marie Harpin | |
Jeanie | Jeannie | |
Jesse | Dody Muller | |
Joanna | Luanne Henderson | |
Don Johnson | ? | |
Eddy Jones | Eddy Martin | |
Josephine | Dusty Moreland | |
Ted Joyner | Fred Weaver | |
Russell Jurgin | Russell Durgin | |
Bill Keresky | Richard Sheresky | |
Ricky Keresky | Jacky Sheresky | |
Alice Kerrigan | Alice Gallagher | |
Emil Ladeau | Leo Nadeau | |
Albert "Lousy" Lauzon | Roland Salvas | |
Frank Leahy | Frank Leahy | |
Lionel | Seymour Wyse | |
Shelly/Shelley Lisle | Stanley Gould | |
Rudy Loval | Ernie Noval | |
Julien Love | Lucien Carr | |
Big Luke | Paul Blake | |
Little Luke | Paul Blake, Jr | |
Ma | Gabrielle Kerouac | |
Eddy MacArthur | ? | |
John MacDougald | John MacDonald | |
[Ronald Macy] * | John Kingsland | |
Ernie Malo | Louis Eno | |
Manley Mannerly | Justin W. Brierly | |
Mardou | Alene Lee | |
Marquand girls | ? | |
Wesley Martin | ? | |
Neal McGee | ? | |
Pete Menelakos | Pete Kouchalakos | |
Uncle Mike | Uncle Joseph Kerouac | |
[Irving Minko] * | Allan Temko | |
Brue Moore | "Brew" Moore | |
Mulles | ? | |
Dick Nietzsche | Bill Heine | |
Nin | Caroline "Nin" Kerouac Blake | |
June Ogilvie | Joan Haverty Kerouac | |
Dave Orizaba | Dave Tercerero | |
Pa | Leo Kerouac | |
Mary Palmer | Helen Parker | |
Peaches | Ginger Bailey | |
Gene Plouffe | Pete Houde | |
Cody Pomeray | Neal Cassady | |
Evelyn Pomeray | Carolyn Cassady | |
Gaby Pomeray | Jami Cassady | |
Timmy Pomeray | John Allen Cassady | |
Rachel | ? | |
Danny Richman | Jerry Newman | |
Ricki | Vickie Russell | |
Al Roberts | Vic Alberts | |
Gerard Rose | Anton Rosenberg | |
Rosemarie | Natalie Jackson | |
Ronnie Ryan | Connie Murphy | |
Jimmy Santos | Charles Sampas | |
Silvanus Santos | Sebastian Sampas | |
Schaefer | ? | |
Dave Sherman | Frank Jeffries | |
Simon [Darlovsky] * | Peter Orlovsky | |
Irwin Swenson | Alan Ansen | |
Bill Tenor | William Aalto | |
Tod of Easonburg | Rod | |
Raphael Urso | Gregory Corso | |
Buddy Van Buder | Peter van Meter | |
Ennrique Villanueva | Enrique Villanueva | |
Vinny | Fred Bertrand | |
Bill Wagstrom | ? | |
Miss Wakefield | Miss Helen Mansfield | |
Early Wallington | Alan Harrington | |
Waldo Walters | ? | |
Bev Watson | Elizabeth Holmes | |
James Watson | John Clellon Holmes | |
Madeleine Watson | Marian Holmes | |
Robert Whitmore | ? | |
George Wicksner | ? | |
Charley Williams | ? | |
Ed Williams | Ed Roberts | |
Ben Wirt | ? | |
Irene Wrightsman | ? | |
Zagg | Jack Kerouac | |
Maggie Zimmerman | Mary Ackerman | |
* These character names, although listed by Kerouac in his "Table of Characters" at the front of the book, cannot be found in the main text. It is possible that they were omitted from the final draft. | ||
The 1961 edition of Book of Dreams was heavily edited, with 210 of the original 454 dreams removed. In 2001 Kerouac's complete manuscript was published for the first time. The following list gives the character names that are are new to this complete edition. | ||
BOOK OF DREAMS (City Lights, 2001) | ||
Character name: | Real name: | |
Alice Arsenault | ? | |
Roger Beauchamp | ? | |
Beland sisters | Pauline and [?] Beland | |
Mademoiselle Bergeron | Jean Bergeron | |
Marie Bernadette | Jean Bergeron | |
Blezan | Blazon | |
Blondy | ? | |
Jim Bloodworth | James Cudworth | |
Helen Buckle | Helen Hinkle | |
John Calabrese | Tom Livornese's father | |
Clarence | ? | |
Margaret Cole | Margaret Coffey | |
Random Cowan | Varnum Lewis | |
Cru | Henri Cru | |
Al Damlette | Al Sublette | |
Delmar | ? | |
Demosthenes | Demosthenes Samaras | |
Marie Desmarais | Jean Bergeron | |
Destouches | Joseph Desjardins | |
Miss Dinneen | Miss Alice K. Dinneen | |
Fred Dressler | ? | |
Aunt Dudley | Claire Buckley | |
Irwin Eager | Allen Eager | |
Ma Evans | Amanda Adamakis | |
Alex Fairbrother | John Montgomery | |
Eileen Farrier | Helen Elliott | |
Doris Fortier | Laurette Fournier | |
Marie Fortier | Jeannette Fournier | |
Mrs Fortier | Marie Fournier | |
Big Paul Franco | ? | |
Harold Garden | Harold Goldfinger | |
Georgia | ? | |
Rose Gold | ? | |
Al Green | Ed White | |
Halnau | Hal Chase | |
Billy Hampshire | Billy Chandler | |
Hank | Henri Cru | |
Henry Hartzjohn | John Hohnsbeen | |
Val Hayes | Hal Chase | |
Hoppy | ? | |
Alma Horan | ? | |
Joe Jackson | ? | |
Jimmy Johnson | ? | |
Phyllis Johnson | Phyllis Jackson | |
Uncle Joe | Joseph Kerouac | |
Milquetoast Jones | ? | |
Charley Justice | ? | |
Christy Kelakis | Chris Zoukis | |
Kells | Kells Elvins | |
Jacky Keresky | Jacky Sheresky | |
John Labine | ? | |
Cy Ladeau | Ti Nadeau | |
Phillip Lavalina | ? | |
Lionel Lawrence | ? | |
Lou Little | Lou Little | |
Aunt Loretta | Loretta Martin | |
Charley (M.) Low | Charley Mew | |
Jimmy Low | Charley Mew | |
Manda | Amanda Adamakis | |
Peter Martin | Jack Kerouac | |
Georgie the Polock Meiducki | Stanley Heiducki | |
Joe Melis | Joe Kulis | |
Jonathan Miller | Richard "Peter" Gordon | |
Bill Mink | Bill Fox | |
Alan Minko | Allan Temko | |
Adele Norales | Adele Morales | |
Norman | ? | |
Cousin Ovila | ? | |
Pachucos | ? | |
Brucie Palmer | Bruce Parker | |
Tommy Palmer | Tom Parker | |
Pete | Pete Adamakis | |
Bob Piriams | ? | |
Mike Plouffe | Mike Houde | |
Zap Plouffe | Ninip Houde | |
Rainey | Robert Creeley | |
Chet Rave | Tony Jure | |
Red | Red St. Louis | |
Ricky | Vickie Russell | |
Salvin | Roland Salvas | |
Frank Shephard | Frank Jeffries | |
Louis Simpson | Louis Simpson | |
Steen | Mason Hoffenberg | |
Taffy Truman | William Marshall | |
Sam Vedder | Lucien Carr | |
Seymour | Seymour Wyse | |
Jake Spender | ? | |
Vicki | Vickie Russell | |
Pierre Warwick | Jacques Beckwith | |
Cecily Wayne | Celine Young | |
Ned Weaver | Fred Weaver | |
Eileen Webber | Helen Weaver | |
Mrs. Whiteheart | ? | |
Wig | Wig Walters | |
Bill Wolf/Wolfe | Bill Fox | |
Worthington | Alan Harrington | |
Zoumis | Chris Zoukis | |
Click here for a gallery of Book of Dreams covers |